Our Team
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller

Sharon Wallerson
Sharon and her team conceived Grow Therapeutic Coaching long before it became a reality. With over 20 year of experience leading youth and family provisions and 15 years of extensive therapeutic practice, Sharon is a passionate advocate of a more holistic and effective approach to supporting the emotional well being of young people in our schools.
Favourite Pastime: Horse riding
Proudest moment: Apart from my children watching my business grow
What do you enjoy most about your role?: The moment people realise that they are able to change
What is your guilty pleasure?: Buying far too many things I don’t need online and trying to guess what’s in the parcel when it arrives

Rowena Sallis
Therapeutic Coach & Family specialist
Rowena brings years of experience of working with children and families, with a background of mental health services. Her practical approach, combined with her knowledge and skills gives Rowena the ability to engage people at all levels and ensures a high success rate of student engagement and positive outcomes.
Favourite Pastime: Eating out
Proudest moment: Apart from becoming a mum returning to university later in life to get my degree
What do you enjoy most about your role?: Being able to make a difference
What is your guilty pleasure?: Making Tik Toks

Victoria Chapman
Therapeutic Coach
After working as a Head of Sixth Form and teacher of psychology in South London, Victoria decided to take a step back from management and return to her interest in psychology. Since retraining as a therapist, Victoria has managed to combine her interests, by delivering workshops and conducting 1:1 therapeutic sessions to enable people to overcome their personal hurdles and find a sense of strength and peace. Being a mother of two boys she is determined to challenge the toxic ‘man up’ rhetoric and push the importance of speaking up and talking about mental health and personal well being.
Favourite Pastime: Travelling or planning trips away
Proudest moment: See my children grow and develop
What do you enjoy most about your role?:
What is your guilty pleasure?: Large quantities of chocolate biscuits

Sharon Burton
therapeutic Coach & Social Media Director
Having started life as an administrator for Grow, Sharon was so impressed by the enthusiasm and passion within the team that she took the plunge and completed the training to become a therapist herself. Sharon now works with young people, empowering them to become the best possible version of themselves. She also heads up the social media side of our business, helping to engage with as many people as possible about the work we do.
Favourite Pastime: Watching ANY football, whether it’s my team Watford FC or a Sunday league team in the park!
Proudest moment: Becoming a mum
What do you enjoy most about your role?: Being able to work with so many amazing young people and being a part of their journey
What is your guilty pleasure?: Scrolling through Twitter and putting mayonnaise on EVERYTHING

jemma James
therapeutic Coach & LGBTQI Specialist
Jemma originally trained at drama school and now loves working with young people and helping them to create the future they deserve for themselves. She especially enjoys working with her clients to overcome anxiety, lack of confidence and self-doubt.
Favourite Pastime: Hanging out at home with my family
Proudest moment: My wedding day
What do you enjoy most about your role?: Being able to help people move towards the future they want
What is your guilty pleasure?: Any form of potato snack

Trainee Therapy Dog
Archie is a key part of the team.
Favourite Pastime: Hanging out with humans
Proudest moment: Learning to ride a skateboard
What do you enjoy most about your role?: Meeting lots of people
What is your guilty pleasure?: Eating my whole teddy in one go
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